September 21, 2020

Episode 170 – Johann Sebastian Bach Vol. XIII, Part 1

Time for another seemingly random grab out of our collection of historic LPs for another episode of Brent’s Scratchy records. Again it’s from a multi-volume set of the works of Bach performed by Marie-Claire Alain, this time on the 1963 Marcussen organ of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Schleswig, Germany.

Album: The Organ Works of Johann Sebastian Bach Vol XIII Disc 1
MHS 776
Artist: Marie-Claire Alain
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Prelude in G major (BWV 568)
Fugue in G major (BWV 577)
Alla Breve in D major (BWV 589)
Fugue in B minor on a theme of Corelli (BWV 579)
Fantasia in C major (BWV 570)
Fugue in G major (BWV 576)
Pedal Exercitum in G minor (BWV 598)
Fugue in G minor (BWV 131a)
Fantasia and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561)
Fantasia con Imitazione in B minor (BWV 563)
Fugue in D major (BWV 580)
Fugue in C minor (BWV 575)
Prelude in C major (BWV 567)
Prelude in A minor (BWV 569)

Organ: 1963 Marcussen III/80 St. Peter’s Cathedral, Schleswig, Germany

16 Principal8 Principal
16 Subbass8 Rørgedakt
8 Oktav8 Quintatøn
8 Gedakt4 Oktav
4 Oktav4 Spidsfløjte
4 Kobbelfløjte2 Oktav
2 Nathorn2 Waldfløjte
III Rauschquint1 1/3 Quint
V MixturII Sesquialt.
32 BasunV-VI Scharf
16 Basun16 Dulcian
8 Trompet8 Krumhorn
4 ZinckTremulant
16 Gedaktpommer8 Gedakt
8 Principal8 Spidsgamba
8 Spidsfløjte4 Principal
4 Oktav4 Rørfløjte
4 Nathorn2 Oktav
2 Oktav2 Blokfløjte
2 2/3 Quint2 2/3 Nasat
V-VI Mixtur1 Sivfløjte
III Scharf1 3/5 Terz
III CymbelIII Mixtur
16 FagotII Cymbel
8 Trompet16 Regal
8 Vox Humana
4 Regal

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